At Chicago International Church we are enthusiastically preparing to celebrate Christmas, less than one week away now. I have been preaching through the Advent narrative in the Gospel of Luke this month,…
Sweet Home Chicago
3/8/99: It was a rainy, sleety drive all the way through Missouri. Stopped in St. Louis where Ruth drove me around her alma mater, Washington University. She also insisted we get a…
Amarillo To Springfield (MO)
Sunday, 3/7/99: Today marks 350 days of travel! The trip is almost over. Tomorrow we will arrive back in Chicago, having circumnavigated the globe!… We were up and on the road from…
Albuquerque To Amarillo
3/6/99: Slept in, and then ate too many donuts from the checkout office as we left… We drove through Madrid (pronounced MAD·rid) on our way to Santa Fe. I was in that…
Grand Canyon To Albuquerque
3/5/99: We woke before dawn, drove to Watchtower, on the east rim of the Grand Canyon, and watched the sunrise to the east. As the light slowly spilled into the canyon and…
Phoenix To The Grand Canyon
3/4/99: I got to play catch with Daniel this morning, and hear all about his adventures as a quarter-midget race-car driver (“They’re not go-carts!” both he and his father told me…). He’s…
San Diego To Phoenix
3/3/99: I went with Mark over to the Church where he works to help him put up a banner on the side of the education building announcing the upcoming Easter Services. He…
Wrapping Up With A Road Trip
3/2/99: Touchdown at LAX at 5:00AM. Managed only a little bit of sleep on what will probably be our last flight for a long time. Picked a mid-sized rental car pretty cheap,…
Our Favorite Place On Maui
3/1/99: Packed up. Dinner was delicious but the imminent departure gave a sad flavor even to the food. Dad and Mom took us to the airport, and we were off, and headed…
Maui Miscellany
2/29/99: 1999 was not a “leap year,” so there was no February 29 while we were staying on Maui after our trip around the world. I’ll take the opportunity here to post…
2/28/99: Church at Emmanuel again. Afterwards we took Dad and Mom out to lunch in Lahaina. Found a terrific buffet that served primarily Hawai’ian dishes, so dad was in heaven! He really…
2/27/99: We dropped dad off at Church to do his yard work, and then stopped at the Bob’s and Maggie’s to pick up five slide carousels. Bob gave them to us for…
2/26/99: Made dinner and showed slides to a group of family and friends over at Todd’s and Kathy’s home tonight. We only showed some of the photos from our trip around the…
2/25/99: After a morning walk, dad and I went golfing again. And, he beat me again. I really enjoy this sport though. You really are playing against yourself. You have to really…
Olinda Road
2/24/99: I made some calls to “drive-away” companies on the mainland to see about driving from L.A. to Chicago. It doesn’t look promising though. Too few companies, and not a very common…
2/23/99: Ruth and I baby-sat Micah this evening so Todd and Kathy could go on a date. Being new parents, they haven’t had much alone time lately. And of course, since we…
A Birthday Nap In Kula
2/22/99: Dad, Ruth and I went down to Makena again. More snorkeling Ahihi Bay. Tons of beautiful fish, and I saw a big old boat motor of some sort, all overgrown with…
2/21/99: Today is dad’s 78th birthday. And he is still climbing and pruning trees as well as doing lots of other heavy yard work at church every Saturday. I hope I am…
Nakalele Point
2/20/99: A nice early morning walk with Ruth. Then she went down to Kahului with Kathy for the rest of the day. 2/20/24: *During our 1999 stay with Dad & Mom at…
Kahakaloa Bay
2/19/99: Another library day… 2/19/24: *During our 1999 stay with Dad & Mom at the end of our round-the-world trip, we did not take many photos. So, I am posting photos and…
Waihee Valley
2/18/99: I went downtown alone today, to the library, but didn’t get near as much done as I wanted to. 2/18/24: *During our 1999 stay with Dad & Mom at the end…
Maui Sunsets
2/17/99: Mom and dad were down in Kahului today, while Ruth and I played tour guide to a new friend. Doug is a medical resident back on the mainland, and was in…
Shave Ice
2/16/99: Dad and I went to the golf course again today. This time we played a round of nine holes. Good thing it wasn’t 18, as I am not as in shape…
Snorkeling At Maluaka Beach
2/15/99: Ruth went to the beach with Kathy and Micah, mom and dad went shopping, I stayed home trying to motivate myself to write, and bring the homepage up to date. 2/15/24:…
Maluaka Beach
2/14/99: Ruth spoke in church this morning, for both services, then at the evening service too. She went through the motivation behind our trip, and shared some key Bible verses about the…