7/10/98: Ruth spent the day volunteering in the hospital office. I moved our stuff from the campus motel to Bill & Carol J’s home because no other rooms opened up…
NOTE: The photo above is one of Bill’s & Carol’s boys riding his bike around the yard at the family’s home on the hospital campus in Kijabe.
7/10/23: We had extended our stay in Kijabe for the sake of the overnight trip that I wound up not going on. The motel already had booked all their rooms before we changed our plans. Thankfully Bill & Carol were generously hospitable and let us squeeze into their campus bungalow with their family for the night. I played with the kiddos outside and was happy to see the sun beginning to peep out through the clouds for the first time during our visit to Kijabe. My spirits lifted a little further when Ruth and Carol made pizza for dinner. Sunshine and pizza are a good combination. Then we all sat on the patio with a fire going in the fire-pit, and chatted until Bill arrived back from the trip upcountry. Sadly, the whole team wound up as disappointed with going as I was at being left behind. Only 14 patients showed up for the clinic which usually serves hundreds.