7/18/98: A busy day with more errands. We withdrew cash at an ATM, and purchased 60 rolls of film in preparation for our travels through India. Then I was pickpocketed…
NOTE: Photo above shows traffic in Nairobi. Photo by Michael Njoroge on Unsplash
7/18/23: As I waited for Ruth outside the post office in the crowded mall, I keenly felt a hand reach into my back pocket and start to pull my wallet out. I wheeled around, ready to strike or be struck, and shouted as loud as I could: “HEY!” And there was Bill J., our new friend from Kijabe, grinning with that Alabama charm and twinkle. After I got over the shock, we both laughed about it. It was an unexpected joy to get to see each other again. Carol and the kids were all getting their hair cut at the shop in the mall, so Ruth and I got to see them too.
On the crowded bus ride back to the guest house we only had standing room. When a mother with three children boarded a remarkable thing happened. The conductor placed the three children in the laps of three different men, so as to keep them safe on the bumpy ride! Oddly, the mom was left to stand, like us, no one offered her a seat!