2/29/99: 1999 was not a “leap year,” so there was no February 29 while we were staying on Maui after our trip around the world. I’ll take the opportunity here to post some random photos of Maui from several of our other trips to the island over the years…
2/29/24: *During our 1999 stay with Dad & Mom at the end of our round-the-world trip, we did not take many photos. So, I am posting photos and stories from some of our other trips to Maui over the years.
NOTE: The photo above, from our trip to Maui in 2010, shows a Humuhumunukunukuapua’a (pronounced “trigger fish”), the official state fish of Hawai’i. Below are a series of miscellaneous photos from our various trips to Maui over the years.