3/2/99: Touchdown at LAX at 5:00AM. Managed only a little bit of sleep on what will probably be our last flight for a long time. Picked a mid-sized rental car pretty cheap, and stopped at a Denny’s for breakfast… Didn’t stay in LA long, but did drive to see downtown Hollywood, which was quiet since it was so early in the morning. We parked along the Walk of Fame, and stopped at Grauman’s Chinese Theater. It was fun to see it all up close instead of on TV or in a movie… After a nap in the car we drove south to Encinitas to visit our friends Mark & Sharon. It was a great to catch up with them, and see how much their children have grown since they moved out here from Chicago a few years ago…
NOTE: The photo above is from our brief stop in Hollywood after we touched down at LAX on March 2, 1999.
Robin Williams’ foot and hand prints on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. He signed it with the phrase “Carpe Diem,” which means “Seize The Day” in Latin. You may recognize that as one of the lines that he uttered in the 1989 film “Dead Poets Society.” But he was also in a lesser-known, but also fantastic film, called “Seize The Day” in 1986.