3/5/99: We woke before dawn, drove to Watchtower, on the east rim of the Grand Canyon, and watched the sunrise to the east. As the light slowly spilled into the canyon and igniting the western walls, a flock of ravens played in the crisp, morning air, barrel rolling and dive bombing each other. Spectacular!… Then we drove down through Flagstaff on our way to Albuquerque, New Mexico and our next bed for the trip. Driving into that town from the west after nightfall is quite a sight. You come down from a higher plateau and the whole city is lit up and laid out before your eyes. You can see everything! We found a cheap motel called the Stardust, right off the highway, grabbed some carryout from a Tex-Mex restaurant called Garduno’s, ate back in our room, and hit the sack…
NOTE: The photo above shows some of the ravens adding to the spectacle of a beautiful sunrise at the Grand Canyon