9/17/98: Slept in, then taxi to the airport, and arrived in Hong Kong without incident… This new airport is so big that it looks empty even when it is full of people… Ruth had already been to Hong Kong in ’94, and got to arrive at the old Kai Tak airport, the approach to which was famously because it was so near to the skyscrapers that you could see people in their apartments… I was bummed I didn’t get to experience that… We rang up the Jonathan and Jodi to get details on how to catch a bus to their place. Jonathan picked us up at the bus/train station in Tai Wai neighborhood, not too far from their apartment, and we headed up to spend the evening getting to know one another… Jonathan and I had met when we were at school together at Moody Bible Institute, so it was nice to see a familiar face in a new place…
NOTE: The map above shows our progress through South Asia and on to East Asia.