10/5/98: Ruth and I wandered around the open market near John & Ivette’s apartment and took some photos… This evening we babysat the kiddos so John and Ivette go out on a date… Helping with the “little things” actually goes a long way when one is visiting friends in far-away places… They were quite well behaved, and I think it was because I had joked with them that if they misbehaved, I would sit on them, because that is what “baby SITters” do, after all, right?… When I was a kid, my teenaged cousins who often babysat us would make us lay on our backs, with our arms and legs up in the air, and repeat the phrase: “I am a dying cockroach…” So, at least I didn’t get torture John’s and Ivette’s kiddos THAT badly…
NOTE: The photo above shows Ivette shopping for veggies in the open air market of Lanzhuo.