5/31/98: Sunday Church Service combined with a Memorial Service out at one of the mushas. Great singing.
NOTE: The main photo above shows nurses from Karanda Mission Hospital at the summit overlook of “Three Hills” near Mt. Darwin, Zimbabwe.
5/31/23: It was an honor, but a sad one, to be invited to attend a memorial service in one of the villages. Because the deceased was a Christian, the music was unexpectedly upbeat, which I really found refreshing. There is a place from melancholy and dirge at a funeral, but for the Christian who has a sure eternal hope, optimistic music can be part of fixing a hole in one’s heart when grieving. (Listen below to two of the songs I recorded that day.) After the memorial service was over, the hosts served a traditional meal, with sadza and cabbage.
I did not feel it was appropriate to take photos at the service, but after the service was over, Rita and Melita and some of the nurses took us on a walk to climb “Three Hills” where I took some photos of the remarkable landscape and some of the small farms here in the savannah. The views were fantastic, and we could see all the way to Mozambique.
Memorial Service Song 1
Memorial Service Song 2